Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chain of updates

Yup, there's a sudden surge of updates recently, dunno why, sudden enthusiasm? Anyway, I shall summarise it (read details in the posts themselves):

1) Class fund
2) Election of secretary
3) Author for this blog
4) Words of thanks to those who took part in the story-telling competition (willing or unwilling)
5) Inter-house recycling competition
6) Quiz 1 answer is Soon Kiang, Quiz 2 too obvious and aikome won!!!
7) Congratz every1 for doing so well for their CIP
8) IMPORTANT: Sapphire's are up for applications, interested applicants tell Mr. Low or Mok.

And eventually, something which this blog can never be lack of !!! JOKES !!!
Here's 1:

A neutron walked into a bar and asked how much for a drink.
The bartender replied, "for you, no charge."