08s19 Finance Company Pte. Ltd.
Yup, I got this blog re-vamped a little. Changing the atmosphere to a more relaxing one. I hope. Anyway, there's a couple of things here which I would like to address (very formal sia today)
1) Class Fund. Everybody (except FAS & Mainak) bring $80 on Monday for class fund.
Breakdown: $45 for KM
$19 for Physics Book.
$4.85 for Notes which are overdue
$11.15 for More Notes to come
*Those who cannot afford such a lump sum at once, the treasurer came up with 2 plans
=> Plan Weekly: Pay $20 per week for 4 weeks from 31st March to 21st April
=> Plan Monthly: Pay $40 per month for 2 months from 1st April to 2nd May
Please note that a maximum of 3 can apply for the Plan Weekly and 5 for Plan Monthly (Interested applicants just tell the treasurer on MSN or whatever way)
2) Election of Secretary: Have not suggested to Mr. Low, but we (most likely) need 1 to co-ordinate the class better (message relay) and also keep track of important dates and events. In classes, the secretary is needed to know who is absent and for what reasons too. Huge responsibility.
Election of Econs-Rep: We need 1 soon.
3) Author for this blog are welcomed. Who wan to become 1 just tag on the tagboard with your name and that email account.
放下干戈,从新开始。Yup, Together Everyone Achieve More (TEAM, adapted from Floorball Captain) So for the greater good of 08s19, we shall put down our differences and work towards a common goal. It may sound "theorectically perfect and practically impossible" but everything is impossible until someone made it possible. So here, I shall apologise (for all reasons) to everyone and anyone from everyone and anyone, including myself who do very irresponsible stuffs, in the hope that everyone can FORGIVE AND FORGET, and eventually reaching our own goals. Another quote from floorball captain: If u are in a team and no one give up on something (which can be work, responsibility and building mutual-friendship) u have no right to also give up. And also, there is a reason why "United we stand" is more important than "Best in J1". To whoever still reading blogs and comes across this (Mr. Low and HCBoy), have a goodnight sleep. The next day will always be better. Best wishes from ME!!!
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